A Girl, A Cat, Some needles, and Crab Rangoon!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Joining the Bandwagon for...

Koolhaas Hat! As you probably know, it is from IK Holiday 2007 issue. It reminds me a lot of Shedir, in certain ways. So I decided to make it out of Rowan Calmer. I am doing a light blue that I got on sale from my LYS - only $7 woohoo! I was originally going to make Shedir for my mom for Xmas, but when I saw this pattern, I thought it would be fun to give it a go. I cast on the same number of stitches as for Shedir - 128. Still divisible by 8, which is how many stitches that are in the pattern. Hopefully it works out! I am excited by it! I am doing it on Clover US 2 dpns. I have 1.5 repeats done out of 4, so not too bad. Here it is:

I am sure you admire my amazing photography skillz...just kidding. I can actually take nicer photos, but my camera isn't so great. It does better outside, but I took these pics at night. Oh well! I can't wait for it to be done!

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